Many people will ask the question why pay a personal trainer when I can get all the information I need online for free? It’s true that the web gives endless information on this subject and for free but what works for one individual might not work for you.
In the fitness industry everyone is different, a certain diet may work amazing for one person but not for another. Personal Trainers are educated and experienced to tailor your diet and workouts so that it’s effective for each client. Based on your needs and goals, a trainer will be able to create an entire plan for you and will know how (and when) to change your diet to keep you progressing.
For instance if you were dieting on your own it’s most likely the weight loss/gain will stop or slow down. However, due to your PT’s qualifications and experience, they will know exactly what exercises to add, weights to increase and of course manage your diet to keep progress moving forward.
It’s true that diet is king but without an effective workout you simply won’t improve or progress. With the use of a PT they will know exactly the category of workout that you need. Workouts aren’t simply lifting weights it involves, reps, sets, dropsets, rest times and also cardio. All of these are tools that the trainer will use to help you reach your goals.
Cardio one of the most important tools when your goal is weight loss. However it can be often over used by gym users when really they don’t need to spend over an hour on the treadmill, they just need a better diet.
Nutrition and effective workouts combined is what achieves results, which is why it’s important to have someone with the knowledge and experience guiding you. Copying a workout from a website is a common mistake of many beginners. Firstly the workout may not be right for them also they may not know how to perform the exercises correctly or add the right amount of weight and this is when people get injured. Having a personal trainer they will show you how to execute the exercises, which will make your workouts overall more effective.
Your trainer isn’t only there for nutritional and workout advice he/she is there to keep you motivated. There will be stages of dieting when you will hit roadblocks, weight loss will slow down and you will want to give up but having your trainer there will keep you motivated and will help you achieve the physique you’ve always wanted.
At Rockpit, we have some of the best personal trainers in the country to offer their expertise. Check out our personal training page and come down today to chat to any of them.